#1 Water Heater Specialists in the DMV Area
Did you have an unexpected breakdown? Are you only getting cold water? Is your water heater leaking? No matter what, we can help. Arlington Plumbing Heating and Cooling is here to support you with an expert examination of your water heater if you were caught off guard by cold water in your morning bath or if randomly changing water temperature has become a severe problem lately. Our skilled plumbing experts are here to provide quick and dependable water heater maintenance, installation, and replacement solutions to guarantee that you have hot water anytime you need it. We can even assist you with urgent assistance since we recognize the importance of several water heater problems. Our experts are here to find you the best solution and ensure it’s up to code. We know that not having hot water can be an emergency. That is why we are always prepared for quick and efficient services.

What Could be the Problem with Your Water Heater?
The water heater happens to be one of the items in your house that is always in use. While this ensures that you constantly have hot water, this also results in your unit wearing out rapidly.
Tankless Water Heaters
Buying a tankless water heater is a great option these days. We are happy to discuss all of these energy saving options with you. Our goal is to help you make an informed decision on what solution alternatives are best suited for your household.
Common Issues with Water Heaters
- Broken pilot light: If you are using a gas-powered water heater, a problem with your pilot light might be causing your water heater’s temperature control problems.
- Faulty thermostat: Electric water heaters utilize thermostats for controlling the temperature of the water, indicating that your device could be having issues because of a malfunctioning thermostat.
- Water tank leaks: Leaking water tanks are a typical problem, and although a leak does not necessarily create problems with your water temperature, it could decrease your unit’s dependability.
Do You Need to Replace Your Water Heater?
Assess the years of service of the water heater; you have to figure out if it is time to replace it. Water heaters have a lifespan expected to last roughly ten years. When they get to this stage, they will start showing indications of deterioration. These indicators are crucial to monitor since they suggest that an upgrade is necessary and that immediate replacement is needed to avoid being with no hot water.
How to Tell When You Need to Replace the Water Heater?
- If the temperature of the water is constantly changing.
- If the reservoir has corrosion or any evident symptoms of degradation.
- If the water heater starts to make strange, loud noises while operating.
- If the water from your taps is discolored.
- If the requirement for upkeep increases.
- If your house’s hot water supply finishes very quickly.
- If you’ve had your existing water heater for over ten years or it’s beginning to wear down, you need to think about replacing it with a new, energy-efficient one. There are several excellent tank-based water heater models in the market, and if you’re looking for an update, a tankless water heater is a wonderful option to explore.
Installation and Choices
Many times it can be more cost efficient to replace your old water heater than to try to repair it. We are here to help guide you through this process. Upgrading to a newer water heater can save you money on energy and help to reduce your environmental footprint. Give us a call today!